I haven’t updated the site a lot, so I am going to be trying to do that in the next week or two. The good news is that the short story ‘A Change of Plans‘ has color now, thanks to Dr Fizz colorist Rodrigo Charles. And in even better news…the short has also been submitted to Heavy Metal Magazine!
I took the advice of Sissonne writer Lee Newman and went ahead wit the submission. It’s one of those don’t call us, we’ll call and it may be years sort of submission processes, but still, it’s pretty cool. The only other plan for the short right now is to include it along with another 7 page story and a 12 page story in an anthology about robots and androids. I still need to give it a title.
Being as the story is so short, I cannot really tell you much about the story, other than it was my first attempt to script all by my lonesome. So, here is a page or two from ‘A Change of Plans‘: