Mar 222018

Working on getting things ready for the upcoming Dr. Fizz Kickstarter. You can follow along and get all the updates by subscribing to the newsletter using the form to the right.

Don’t worry, I don’t send one out very often.

Anyways, here is the first advertisement I’ve thrown together and shared on Facebook. If you have any questions about the book, feel free to ask in the comments. Cheers!

Feb 242018

Letterer Greg Deng is currently working on Lazurus’s Eye but should soon be able to move to Spook Town. There is no real hurry other than to finalize each book for it’s future Kickstarter, but it’s still nice to see each one move that one bit closer to completion.

We have one cover from the artist on the book, J. C. Grande. That cover is also in line to be completed; we are still locking in a final logo and such. I’d like to get one more cover done as well, it’s good to have more choices and people seem to like having a variant so long as they don’t get out of hand. Continue reading »