Dec 202017

I blame the Avengers for Sissone. You see, the first book into production was Dr. Fizz, and that one is set in a great city called Grand City, and in Grand City there are a lot of superheroes. Tons of them, some more legit than others.

So, I figured it would be cool to have a sort of companion to Dr. Fizz running around Grand City, and they could occasionally cross paths, maybe be the Grand City Avengers or some such. So I came up with a story concept, but no particular superhero to play the part. I believe the idea centered around his ‘powers’ being somehow embarrassing, thus causing a rift between him and his girl. Somehow I ended up pitching this to Lee Newman and, from some sick corner of his mind, he came back a day later ready to write about a superhero with the power of…Ballet Dancing.

I know what you are thinking, I was too at first. But then I read the four page treatment Lee had produced and nearly fell over laughing. It was a great character, and sure enough his ‘power’ was causing his personal life some grief. I shared the four pages with three people, and it was unanimous…they wanted to see more of this Sissone guy.

The project is ready to begin after the New Year I think. We have the script and the artist picked out, so for now we are just going to take a last look at the characters before we begin. I’ll be sure to post some characters for you when we have them locked down.