Well, I recently had more printing done. The finished files for all the books are piling up here at the studio, and I wanted to see what some of them look like in print. Mostly manga sized stuff, though I did print up a bunch of full sized Sissonne for those involved in making that book.
Anyways, one of the books I had printed in manga size was Expanding Universe, my sci-fi anthology. I used Mixam for the printing, and the books came out great, though I think I made a mistake.
With Mixam the book came out at the exact same size as the manga runs form Ka-Blam, but were a bit cheaper I believe. Plus, with Mixam you have more choices for paper weights. I was able to increase the cover paper from 80lb to 130lb, which is basically a thick postcard, a non-bending cover. While this is nice, I discovered that the added weight might put the book over the 2 ounce limit for mailing internationally at $1.98. No huge deal, but by ordering 100 books I was able to get the piece cost down to under $1, with shipping.
In fact, the cost per book was only 93 cents each with shipping!! (84 cents not including shipping), which is quite a bargain, considering it is 28 pages and I chose such heavy paper.
So anyways, I’ve been handing out a few copies of this book, before it is officially available. I have also been handing out a few of the other manga sized as well, and hopefully soon we’ll see some on Instagram or what not. You never know who has a blog, am I right?