I have been waiting to post any cover work for the books because everything is a work-in-progress until it’s final. But, I thought some out there would appreciate seeing an actual cover for one of the books, even f it’s not a final version.
So, here is the working model for the Lazurus’s Eye #1 cover, with art by Gregory Woronchak and colors by Umimi.

Work continues on Lazurus’s Eye Issue #1, with colorist Umimi having turned in up to page 15 this Morning. Here is a sample of the ‘eclectic’ nature of the book.
Sure, it’s the future but folks have to stay true to their roots, eh? You should see this one Scottish guy’s cab…
Art by Gregory Woronchak, colors by Umimi

It’s looking more and more like Lazurus’s Eye is going to be the first book ready to go from Moby’s! Media, and it’s all because of the artist, Gregory Woronchak.
Gregory was like a machine turning in pages. He caught me off guard one morning, causing me to forget my normal, civil filter. I’d like to say I said ‘Holy Cow!’, but what I actually said involved product from a cow. I am really, really hoping this one gets the blessing of the Kickstarter gods because I want to make a second and third issue.