
Feb 032018

I am proud to announce that colorist Rodrigo Charles has turned in the final, the last page of Dr. Fizz #1. We already have the cover ready to go, and now it is just lettering and post work and it will be ready to go out to the masses. You may show your pleasure. 

I gotta say, this has been a long process and I have learned so much from the making of Dr. Fizz. It’s companion book, Sissonne, is coming together so, so much more smoothly that I almost cannot compare the two experiences. I’d like to think that the  lessons I learned from making Dr. Fizz have paid off, and perhaps they have. 

But more importantly, Dr. Fizz artwork is complete! 

Here is a sneak peek at some of the artwork, a great page by artist Rick Alves and Colorist Rodrigo Charles of ‘Dr. Fizz’ in action.

Feb 032018

And is actually up to page 16 already…I really need to post more often. The art looks fantastic, I cannot thank our artist on Sissonne, Reinaldo, enough for his effort. We even have a colorist, Steve Canon!

So, here is a sneak peek at some of the art for Sissonne, I hope you enjoy it!

You can click on the picture for a larger image.

So basically Sissonne is one of the Vigilante’s that inhabit Grand City, ‘The Greatest City in the World’. It just also to have had a very large problem with crime and that led the mayor to legalizing ‘superheroes’, aka vigilantes. Some are legit, with major powers, some are a bit more…not so special, shall we say. 

Sissonne falls in the middle of this pack. He has a legitimate super talent, but one that is a bit more than off center. You see, he has the ability to use ballet dancing as a superior form of martial art. Or as he puts it, he can pirouette your ass into the middle of next week. 

More to come…

Jan 032018

I have been waiting to post any cover work for the books because everything is a work-in-progress until it’s final. But, I thought some out there would appreciate seeing an actual cover for one of the books, even f it’s not a final version.

So, here is the working model for the Lazurus’s Eye #1 cover, with art by Gregory Woronchak and colors by Umimi.

Continue reading »

Jan 022018

Work continues on Lazurus’s Eye Issue #1, with colorist Umimi having turned in up to page 15 this Morning. Here is a sample of the ‘eclectic’ nature of the book.

Sure, it’s the future but folks have to stay true to their roots, eh? You should see this one Scottish guy’s cab…

Art by Gregory Woronchak, colors by Umimi

Dec 232017

Artist JC Grande has delivered the inked proofs for the entire book! Now it’s a quick check to see if we need any changes and then on to the lettering!

I must say that this is a great moment for me as a publisher. Gregory Woronchak has delivered the entire Lazurus’s Eye book, but we are currently having it colored. This one was planned all along as a Black & White book, so it is actually in the lead in that sense, and the first ready for lettering.

Publishing comics has been quite an experience already, and I have yet to actually finish and release the first book. I do concepts, get the ball rolling and then rely on these talented people like Gregory and JC to bring the vision to life. I do however plan to be involved in the design of the finished product and the logo work, etc. So now I actually need to get off my ass and make this book happen. Continue reading »

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