
Jul 032018

Another sneak peek at an early page from Dr. Fizz. Co-writer Rob Stanley was responsible for many great additions to Dr. Fizz, and not the least among them…Chloe the Bulldog! 

Just be careful if she gets near your nachos while your yelling at the television…

Jul 012018

This was actually the first script David Thomas (Spook Town) and I did together, and it’s nice to see it coming together. We imagined this as the first in a series of one-shot anthologies, each issue a separate story but sharing a common theme of involving deities or mythology on some world almost recognizable as Earth. 

This first takes place in some Mediterranean woodlands, and the second moves the action to somewhere near the British Isles and involves a heavy dose of Norse influence. I’ve been deciding where to place the next installment, and so far am leaning towards an ancient Egyptian setting. 

Here are a few panels from an early page of ‘Bluebird‘, the first issue of ShadoWorlds. Art by David Novum Hutajulu.


Jun 302018

When I said I really needed to do a bunch of updates, I wasn’t kidding. Spook Town creator and writer David Thomas has already completed the scripts for issues #3 and #4, and the plan is to just keep the train rolling and start getting #3 going right away. Artist JC Grande is so great to work with, and the artwork is perfect for the book.

Here is a sample from issue #2, titled ‘Burn It All Down’. This is technically a ‘penciled proof’. We should have the finished pages any day now, and hopefully another cover to share soon. Yay!

Jun 292018

Well, of course it is done. That is what happens when weeks and weeks go by between updates. Rest assured that though I might be slacking off on the website updates, the production of the books continues. It’s a bit like water, the production just flows by almost anything short of lack of payment, or so I am told. 

I almost Kickstarted this first, just to help build audience, but then decided to do Sissonne first instead. There is just so much support from the crew on that book, I think it will make all the difference. Still, Atticus is ready to make his big premiere as well, and he even gave me a great idea. Oh, and here is the final cover as well (more below):


So, I noticed that the printer offers ‘manga sized’ comic book printing, and basically they are like the old ashcans we used to get in Wizard magazine and stuff. I loved those things. So, I have decided to try and do a black & white ‘ashcan’ version of each book. This will be the entire book, just shrunk down so small you can hardly read the letters. 

Actually, some out there will not be able to read the letters, but that’s OK…because I am also selling magnifying glasses! (no, not really).

Check back soon for more news about your favorite worst slave of all time!

Jun 282018

I haven’t updated the site a lot, so I am going to be trying to do that in the next week or two. The good news is that the short story ‘A Change of Plans‘ has color now, thanks to Dr Fizz colorist Rodrigo Charles. And in even better news…the short has also been submitted to Heavy Metal Magazine!

I took the advice of Sissonne writer Lee Newman and went ahead wit the submission. It’s one of those don’t call us, we’ll call and it may be years sort of submission processes, but still, it’s pretty cool. The only other plan for the short right now is to include it along with another 7 page story and a 12 page story in an anthology about robots and androids. I still need to give it a title.

Being as the story is so short, I cannot really tell you much about the story, other than it was my first attempt to script all by my lonesome. So, here is a page or two from ‘A Change of Plans‘: