Been working on all the books lately. Hard to believe there are so many going all at once…I’ll be very happy once there is a Kickstarter or two to clear the decks. So, for now, here is a run down on all the projects and where they stand.
Dr. Fizz – Pretty much ready to go. There is still some post work that I have been putting off, but it’s all cosmetic tweaks for the final print/digital versions.
Lazurus’s Eye – Complete. I have a deal in place for this to be part of another Kickstarters package. We’ll see how that goes.

Sissonne Logo
Sissonne – Probably the best book overall, quality wise. All of the production is done, just need to do the final post and create the Print/Digital versions. Basically in the same boat with Fizz, practically done and awaiting…Kickstarter planing I suppose.
Spook Town – Was done, but then we decided to add two pages to the front of the book, a new intro that we felt would help explain the concept better. Spook Town is easily the best bet for the long haul among the titles. So, while we are awaiting the new pages for issue one, we have already completed the scripts for the next two issues, and sent the second one off to JC.

A panel from Atticus Decimater
Atticus Decimater – Atticus is coming along nicely, 23 of 26 pages completed. Still needs a cover and lettering, then it will e ready to go. I’d like to have these Black and White books be the first Kickstarters, but cannot be sure. Time will tell.

A page from Shadoworlds #1: Bluebird
ShadoWorlds #1: Bluebird – This one looks like it’s going to come out great. The first script David Thomas (Spook Town) and I did together, it’s the first of a planned one-shot anthology series. I am already working on the sequel, ‘The Roots of Glasir’, which will see the action move from a sort of Mediterranean setting to prehistoric Iceland.
Untitled Anthology: Robots and Androids – Two of three stories complete. Lettered, colored, the whole 9 yards. The last story was given to an artist looking to do ‘something’. He has nice work, but so far not a single page done. Might have to look at hiring someone to finish this.
Untitled Kyle Project – A little something I commissioned because I really liked the artists style. Pages come in from time to time, still waiting for the last of them. Different than all the other books, sort of a manga look and feel to this one.
Well, that should be all of them, though I admit I feel like I am missing one. Maybe two.