Over the last year I have outsourced almost all of the ideas I have had to writers. Sure, I was involved with some more than others, for some it was just a concept, others a bit more with the plotting and such.
Along the way I decided to put to paper a little something I had imagined. I knew it would only be a few pages long, so I scripted it out all by my lonesome.
My first script. It’s a little sci-fi story about a robot that lands on an alien planet to start a colony of humans. But things don’t always go as planned….
I shared the script with Sissonne writer Lee Newman, who encouraged me to get it made and submitted to an anthology or maybe, even….dare I say it…Heavy Metal Magazine? Actually, he was right, it is a perfect fit for them, story wise.
So, I kept a look out for the right artist for the project, I had a specific look in mind. Well, a bit over a week ago I saw Rick Bastos post some sample that were just the look I needed. So, long story short we both looked at the script, agreed to change it from 6 pages to 7, and I now have a completed 7 page short story thanks to Rick.
Here is a sample of the great artwork Rick delivered on this:
So now it’s on to coloring and then letters, of course. I am thinking of a muted, matte palette for this. Like a wash, or watercolors. We’ll see. Updates to come!