I have been waiting to post any cover work for the books because everything is a work-in-progress until it’s final. But, I thought some out there would appreciate seeing an actual cover for one of the books, even f it’s not a final version.
So, here is the working model for the Lazurus’s Eye #1 cover, with art by Gregory Woronchak and colors by Umimi.
The cover for this came together very quickly. Back in July there was a mix-up here at Moby’s! and we decided to concentrate on a few things, one of those being getting at least one ongoing series started (besides Dr. Fizz). Fizz writer Rob Stanley had kindly given Laz to us so it was decided to move the artist working on Spook Town, Gregory Woronchak, over to Lazurus’s Eye. Gregory was turning in pages quickly, and I figured he could finish this and then a decision could be made on Spook Town. But I suppose that’s a story for another post.
For this one, it was all about figuring out how to sell the concept in a visual. It’s got adventure, a villain, it’s set in the future but not so futuristic, and the guy has a robotic manservant. So, of course I decided to go all George Lucas and suggested Laz standing like Indiana Jones with a briefcase instead of a machete, and then the Star Wars treatment around the edges. About 5 minutes later Gregory sent back this sketch.
Nailed it? Um, yeah, I think so.