Artist JC Grande has delivered the inked proofs for the entire book! Now it’s a quick check to see if we need any changes and then on to the lettering!
I must say that this is a great moment for me as a publisher. Gregory Woronchak has delivered the entire Lazurus’s Eye book, but we are currently having it colored. This one was planned all along as a Black & White book, so it is actually in the lead in that sense, and the first ready for lettering.
Publishing comics has been quite an experience already, and I have yet to actually finish and release the first book. I do concepts, get the ball rolling and then rely on these talented people like Gregory and JC to bring the vision to life. I do however plan to be involved in the design of the finished product and the logo work, etc. So now I actually need to get off my ass and make this book happen.
I will continue to post about the project, explaining a bit more about what it is about, and keep doing that right up until it is released. For now, you can see two of the inked proof below.