Dec 172017

This one is a bit different. Perhaps I should first just tell you that the last part of this post over at the main site,, is about this project. Just follow the link and start at the part where it says, “And Then Depression Sets In…”.

While it started a bit off, as that post describes, what I left out was that one writer, Becca Lee Gardner, rose above the rest and delivered a full script, on spec, only a day or two later. It was a great script and I of course bought it after a minimal amount of time dithering. I found an artist and he has delivered a few pages, but the project seems to be stalled at this point.
Still, I’d like to finish this one someday soon, even if it’s after the others wrap up. It’s a great little script.

The idea for ‘The Sim Project’ comes from the idea that our universe may actually be a computer simulation. One day, while thinking of this, I came across some article about AI (artificial intelligence) and I asked myself what would it be like if the computer running our world suddenly became self-aware? That was the question I put to the unsuspecting writers that answered my advert, and that led to Becca’s spec script.

I don’t want to give any of it away, but to say it’s got a bit of a twisty-ness to it while being rather straightforward. 

So, the idea is to do this one in black and white, and it should be a one-shot at 22 pages.

 Posted by at 2:54 pm

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